You need to get direct contact with the developer of LEZ for an important subject or to offer a collaboration? Contact us via email

Do you found any bug?

In case you found any bug in LEZ, please report it in-game from the options menu or join to our Discord server.

Do you want to suggest something cool?

If you want to suggest something, you can send your suggestion in the official Discord server or from the Steam discussions of the game.

Do you need permission to use a multi-account?

We don't allow players to use multi-accounts (even if the game use your Steam account instead of an account for the game), but if you lost access to your account and need to create another account, please contact us so we can take actions to your old account and even helping you to use your data from your old account by contacting via email or on our discord server.


Want to make a collaboration?

We accept collaborations of any type if the collaboration is appropriate for the game.

Note that the collaboration will probably be accepted if you specify which project you want us to collaborate with.


Are you an artist and want your song in the game?

Hey, welcome! This game is available for let the artists appear in the game, but with the song file if is possible, send a document or something similar that you CLEARLY explain and give us the necessary licenses for use the song requested for avoid legal issues and for make sure it is an official request from you.

If your request was accepted, we'll let you know with a reply to the email and use it to the next or another version. (Please send the original song file for also avoid legal issues)

We also made a label site and a specific page if you want to send your own song to be in the game and as an exclusive release, click here.

Have you made something special for the game?

If you have made an art or have made something that you consider special for the game and you want to send it directly to us, we could be grateful for that kind of thing and we will thank you with all our hearts <3 (via email or in our discord server).

(Remember to attach the files of what you want to send us)

NOTE: If it's an art, it may appear in a update in the game, it depends¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Need to get contact for something else?

If you need to get contact for something else, please go to the contact section in the Daztrax Studios' website